Bravo, Disney!

24 04 2011

So a friend of mine told me she found a ton of the old Disney animated movies on YouTube yesterday through Tumblr, and since they’re unlisted, she shared all the links with me.  Totally not what I needed if I wanted to be even a little productive today.  She’s in the same boat though, she has a paper due tonight.  I just have to pack, hopefully when its necessary I can do them both at the same time!  Although, the sun is out today, unlike yesterday, so we’ll just have to see what we have planned.  It is Easter, so everything will be closed.  I do at least have to go to the beach to get two rocks for two of my “sisters”.  They had the most simple request for a souvenir.

All that being said, I haven’t watched most of these movies in over 10 years, so I don’t mind the fact that she shared all this beautiful information with me.  Especially since some of them have already been banned.  So if anyone wants me to share all the links with you, comment here with your email and I’ll send it to you!