J’aime bourses d’études

25 01 2011

T-minus 5 days and counting, and all of my monies from scholarships and loans have JUST finished disbursing.  Cutting it a little close, USF?  But alas, its all there.  Which is a relief.  However, once again, I feel like my list of things to do before we leave is getting longer even quicker than it was before.  5 days is not much time, especially since I’m STILL trying to get rid of my car.  Its looking like it may just go back to Brevard at this rate, which I hope not.  Everyone at home is a little busy to keep trying to sell my car, but alas.  Not like I have a whole lot of choice in the matter.

Normally before large trips I would have already started packing, slowly but surely.  I haven’t even tried to think about packing.  Its mildly terrifying, to be frank.

Either way, just a quick post to keep you readers interested.  Jon’s entire family will be here at some point this week, include his grandma and her husband.  In other words, his mom is freaking out about the house being clean (understandably so).

As if I didn’t have enough on my mind! :P  Bonne nuit!