La France a la meilleure cookies

8 02 2011

Apparently cookie is a French word, according to Google Translate.  Thats where I do my subject title consulting, to make sure I don’t post things wrong.

Today, Jon and I had the best idea.  Don’t buy lunch at a cafe or a restaurant, go to the store, buy some bread, cheese, meat and beverages, and have that.  Best. Idea. Ever.  We had country bread, some salami, and gouda, which didn’t really go with the salami, but we were a little overwhelmed by the cheese selection, so Jon picked the first familiar thing he knew he loved.  Jon had a beer, and I had an Orangina, and voila! Le déjeuner!  We took our lunch down to a fountain and enjoyed in there, amongst the “flying rats” (pigeons) and the sound of falling water.  Then on our way back we stopped at the store again to buy some things to enjoy throughout the next few days.  Some oranges, apples, more bread (this time a baguette), the best damn cookies I’ve ever had in my entire life (they’re like little short bread tart sort of things, topped with yummy goodness- lemon and raspberry were the two types we picked), and a bottle of water.  C’est manifique!

Oh, speaking of, I’ve decided that I will never again utter a complaint about rising gas prices.  I have a newfound problem with the price of water in the United States.  Okay, every day (or almost everyday) Jon and I buy a two liter bottle of Evian water that we share throughout the day.  We pick Evian because we know we like it, and because it isn’t found amongst the pricey exotic types, like Fiji, its just with everything else.  However, this 2 liter of bottle costs less than what I would spend on a 20 oz bottle at home.  We can get a 2 liter of Evian for 55 centimes! Thats like, 75¢ in the US!  I have a serious problem with this!  I know the water in our taps is typically more drinkable that the water in the taps of Europe, but that doesn’t mean bottled water has to be such a commodity!  Oh well, off my soap box.

Oh, these are the cookies.  They come nine to a box, individually wrapped.  I hope that makes it easier to practice some self control.



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